Quicken Personal Plus
Stan Goodacre_7441171
Member Posts: 16 Novice Member
Data being entered in my cash account is being placed out of date order. Current entries are being placed before 2001. Validating the file does not correct the error.
Has this situation occurred with anyone before?
I would appreciate any help available.
Has this situation occurred with anyone before?
I would appreciate any help available.
Have you tried clicking on date at the top of the account list?
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Thanks , Chris,
That was all it took. How dumb can a person be? Please don't answer that.
Thanks again, I'm very grateful.
Stan0 -
You may want to find out why the transactions were previously in that order. It could be related to their reconciled status, which might be a problem, should you want to reconcile the account in the future.
0 -
Have you checked to see if there are any display filtering options for the account register?
When you are in account register, there should be a button called Options where you can change the sort order.
This discussion has been closed.
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