Ian Smith_7443154
Member Posts: 2 Novice Member
I am using Accounts Personal Plus 2015 and want to change the title on reports to remove the "- Last quarter", "- Current quarter", "- Last year" etc appendix to the report title entered. This problem has been around for many versions of Personal Plus and I am finally over it! Can anyone help with this issue?
Hi, Ian,
As far as I can see there has to be an entry relating to dates in the report title.
You can, of course, change from "last Quarter" etc to a chosen date by going to "Custom Date" and entering the date range you want the report to cover. Although I don't think this is exactly what you want, is it? I can see no other option, however.
Stan0 -
Thanks Stan,
It's not quite what I am looking for but, by using "custom dates" which don't cover an entire traditional "quarter", there seems to be no extra title appended. I may try to alter my financial year dates so that the traditional periods are not recognised.
Thanks again Stan,
0 -
I want to add a job tittle for my employee but I cant make it happen, can anyone help with this?
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