When entering an investment transaction the Security Name dropdown box is locked up on one security,
[Deleted User]
Posts: 0 Novice Member
I am using Personal Plus 2015. Although there are many securities loaded they can't be selected in this particular Investing account. It is locked on "BHP Biliton Limited" I have other investment accounts that do work and Securities can be added. Don't know what to do as I have other securities to add to this account.
I can't really advise on your problem - most peculiar.
Have you tried removing the BHP security and re-entering? It just might work.
Stan0 -
Couldn't remove the BHP Security as it is used in a number of other accounts. Deleted the investment account and started again with just the transactions for the last few years. (Not that many). Seems to have fixed it. Wondering if the issue was a particular entry was still locked for some reason.0
Glad you got rid of the problem anyway. Hope not too much investment history was lost.
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