Importing from QB Accounting 2009 to Reckon Easy Start 2015

Nat_7639283 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
I'm having issues with importing QB accounting file into Easy start 2015. No Data imports and keep getting message this version is for first time user only. How do I import my data and my thousands of clients  into 2015. We were recommended this version as we basically only use it for invoicing. 


  • cosmic
    cosmic Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 1,124 Reckon Legend Reckon Legend
    edited September 2018
    Nat, bit confused here, what are you trying to do exactly?
    feel free to discuss

    Cosmic Accounting Group

    Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009

  • Mirko
    Mirko Reckon Alumni Posts: 1,256 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited November 2015
    Hi Nat, Accounting is a higher version than Easy Start. Thus, for your datafile to be compatible with 2015 version of Reckon Accounts, you would need to be using at least Accounting. File cannot be downgraded to either an earlier year version or lower version - <<more info>>. If you get in touch with our customer service team on 1800 RECKON, they will be able to look into this matter for you.
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