Quicken Personal Plus 2016 - Transfer Between Accounts

Dean Weinman
Dean Weinman Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
I have recently downloaded Quicken Personal Plus 2016 and have been experiencing issues with the transfer account functionality. Put simply, when i try to record an interest payment (between one account and another), it is not allowing me to complete this. It is saying "transfer cancelled'. How do i fix this problem??


  • Dean Weinman
    Dean Weinman Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2016
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken Personal Plus 2016 - Transfer Between Accounts. I have recently downloaded Quicken Personal Plus 2016 and have been experiencing issues with the transfer account functionality. Put simply, when i try to record an interest payment (between one account and another), it is not allowing me to complete this. It is saying "transfer cancelled'. How do i fix this problem??
  • Dean Weinman
    Dean Weinman Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited February 2016
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken Personal Plus 2016 - Transfer Between Accounts. I have recently downloaded Quicken Personal Plus 2016 and have been experiencing issues with the transfer account functionality. Put simply, when i try to record an interest payment (between one account and another), it is not allowing me to complete this. It is saying "transfer cancelled'. How do i fix this problem??
  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited August 2018
    Hi Dean,

    Thanks for asking the Reckon Community.

    This problem can occur when your Reckon Accounts Personal loses track of what your Home Currency is.  To fix this you'll need to uninstall your Reckon Accounts Personal and reinstall using the special installer ISsetup.exe located in DVD\HAB\Disk1.  A guide is available here.  

    If the problem persists, the guide has a couple more steps to apply to resolve it.  

    Hope you're up and running again soon.

  • Dan Fardon
    Dan Fardon Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited February 2016

    Hello all,

    I am puzzled at the need for your complex solution and if you are right, I will certainly not upgrade to Reckon 2016 until the problem is rectified.

    I frequently transfer Tagged monies between accounts in order to maximize the money in our high interest accounts.

    All I do is: 1. Type the amount to be transferred in the Payment column. 2. Place the cursor in the Category cell, 3. Click the drop-down arrow. 4. Click Transfer - this causes the list of accounts to appear. 5. Click the destination account this causes the Destination Account to appear in the Category Account. 6. Click OK. This causes the transfer to take place.

    In my case, some single transfer between account transactions have several splits, so that I can transfer some tagged monies from Account A to Account B, and other tagged monies from Account B to Account A, and the total transaction is zero. I check that the transfers have taken place properly, by 1. Copying to Excel a Reckon Report showing the tagged balances in Account A and Account B before the transaction, 2. In Excel, planning the tagged transfers and calculating what the required tagged balances in Accts A & B will be after the transaction, 3. Recording the transaction in Reckon, 4. Checking that the Reckon Tagged Balances Report agrees with the balances I have calculated in Excel. Also, the total amount of the tagged transfers is very often zero, because I cannot alter the total balance of our high interest account, but I can alter the tagged amounts in that account.

    If Reckon 2016 won't let me do this, then I'm going to start looking for alternative software.

    Best wishes,

    Dan Fardon

  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited December 2016
    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    You should be able to continue doing transactions in the 2016 version in exactly the same way you have done them in previous versions.  

    The exact cause of the Transfer Cancelled error remains unclear but it is most likely related to an installation that did not complete properly.  Uninstalling and reinstalling the software with the ISsetup exe is your best next step.  

    In some instances it may be necessary to consider the Currency associations mentioned in the KB.  In other cases it may be necessary to upgrade the previous version datafile again.  

    I hope this makes the issue around Transfer Cancelled a little clearer.  


  • Maxine Ellis
    Maxine Ellis Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2016
    Why is this problem still occurring in Personal Plus 2017?
    After much frustration, and acquiring a disc with the program on it, I finally managed to install PP2017. Now I can't transfer money between my accounts. All I get is a message saying transfer cancelled.


  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator
    edited December 2016
    Hi Maxine,

    What you're experiencing is not necessarily a problem with the program itself, but with the installation.

    Rest assured, if you follow the instructions found here, it will help you resolve the issue.

  • Maxine Ellis
    Maxine Ellis Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2016
    Thanks Luke,
    That worked a treat. However, it shouldn't be this difficult to go from a program that is working properly to an upgrade that has me tearing my hair out.

  • Andrew Gabel
    Andrew Gabel Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 2017
    Same problem here, every time I upgrade there is an issue.

    PS. What am I getting for my extra $10 each year.  Everything looks the same?
  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke, tried the re-install of Issetup.exe and it doesn't allow me to install as there is a User Access Control issue. I can't seem to run it as an Administrator as it is blocked. Any other suggestions as I'm stumped? Thanks, Warren

  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    Hi Warren,

    It seems like you're not logged into your PC as a local administrator. To follow the instructions I posted you will need to be. You may need to consult with a local IT professional to assist with this.

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke again,

    OK so I got into Quicken after doing a full install. I then went and Reconciled my accounts and then closed Quicken. Re-opened Quicken and it came up with a raft of errors (it didn't re-open my last QDF file and asked me too open a file on the machine - strange). I located the QDF that I was last using and then it gave me all these errors (see screen shots). Do you know how to resolve this?

    Thanks, Warren

  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    Hi Warren,

    It seems like something has gone wrong when you installed the product.

    I would firstly ensure you're logging into your PC as a local administrator.

    Secondly, I would recommend doing a clean uninstall and reinstall of the product. This is not a normal uninstall/reinstall. We have instructions here on how to perform this. Before you do this please ensure your data files are stored outside of the locations that it asks you to delete. I would recommend putting them onto a external media device such as a USB or portable hard drive. Also keep another copy on your desktop while you perform these instructions.

    After you have performed the above instructions, please store your data file in the program's default location which is: C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Quicken\Sample

    I hope this helps.


  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke, I actually followed your instructions but it didn't work. What I had to do was change an entry in the Regedit. For the benefit of others in the community, here's the link that resolved my issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjf0PxhGU0U. Thanks for replying, Luke. The install now works and my transfers between accounts is working again.

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke, I actually followed your instructions but it didn't work. What I had to do was change an entry in the Regedit. For the benefit of others in the community, here's the link that resolved my issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjf0PxhGU0U

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke,

    Followed all your instructions including the Selective Startup mode and it didn't work. Quicken asks for a installation key. I called up support, they gave me a key and when clicked OK, it gave Error Code 7137. Phone support don't know how to fix the issue, do you have any ideas? This is getting worse as I keep trying and frustrating.

    Thanks, Warren

  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    Hi Warren,

    Sorry to hear you're still having issues.

    Could you please confirm which year version of Quicken you're running and which Windows operating system you're running (e.g. Windows 10, Windows 8).

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke,

    I'll get there, I hope :-(.

    Quicken Personal Plus 2009

    Windows 10 Home Edition

    It's a brand new laptop so I don't think (hope not) it's a hardware or OS issue.

    Thanks, Warren

  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    Ahh I see.

    This is mostly likely going to be the issue here Warren - Quicken 2009 is not compatible with Windows 10. You would need to consider upgrading to Personal Plus 2021.

  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    That might be true Warren but when to comes to troubleshooting these issues we can only suggest what fixes it for our most current versions. This is most likely why the fixes aren't working on your older version.

    The final thing I can suggest is to create a brand new administrator account on your PC and try installing it again on there. Ensure no anti-virus is turned on also during the installation.

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    I'll try the new local admin user to see if that works. I understand that Reckon Personal Plus 2021 is a ongoing sub fee, not a perpetual license? Doesn't really work for me for a very infrequent user of the software. I unfortunately don't see the value in paying $180 annually for that.

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke,

    Created a new local admin user and that failed when entering my old installation key. Should I be entering a new one by calling up Support? I am not really sure because the old one just gives me an error so I don't know if it is an invalid installation key or the installation has failed yet again.

    Thanks, Warren

  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    Hi Warren, your installation key code (IKC) will always remain the same.

    To get this, please log into our Members Site and login with your customer ID & PIN.


  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke,

    Do you know what this error code means?


  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    Hi Warren

    This is usually a crash message when the data file is not stored in the default location of C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Quicken\Sample. Do you have your data file stored here?

    What were you doing before this message appeared?

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke,

    All I was doing was launching Quicken, entering the IKC and clicking on OK. It then came up with a window "Connecting to Quicken". Shortly after, that error appears.

    So maybe I will put my data file in C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Quicken\Sample and see what happens. Do I put my QDF file C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Quicken\Sample in the Sample folder or can I create a subfolder under "Sample"?

    Interestingly though, I have never stored my QDF in that path in the past so this is news to me that it needs to be stored in the default directory path.

    Will keep you posted.

    Thanks again, Warren

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke,

    So I copied my data file into the C:\..\SAMPLE folder and it still came up with error code 7118.

    Now I am completely stumped as to what the issue is.

    Regards, Warren

  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 225 Moderator Moderator

    Hi Warren,

    Sorry I'm not a local IT technician so not entirely sure what to look for in that crash file. One thing that popped out to me from was this error: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.

    Considering you said this program was working as normal on your other PC and only started having issues on your new PC, it seems like there is something on this new PC preventing or blocking the program from installing/running correctly. Can you think of anything on this new PC you might have installed that is different to your old PC? Or maybe particular settings that are different?

  • Warren Vonghack
    Warren Vonghack Member Posts: 18 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Luke,

    I tried on another PC and same issue. I then tried again on my new PC and decided to disconnect the internet connection. When Quicken asked for the IKC, I clicked on the Cancel button and chose the "Activate by Telephone" option. I phoned up the help line and requested the Activation Key (3 sequence block of alphanumeric values). I then clicked OK, Quicken asked if I was a new user so I clicked OK, it created a empty QDF file in the default path. I then moved my personal QDF file into the default path and it opened up fine. I tested a transfer and it was successful. Therefore I can only concluded that activating online does not work and the only workaround is to activate via telephone. I'm glad that I got to the bottom of this issue. Thanks Luke for your help along the way, really appreciate it.

    Cheers, Warren