no journal transactions appear in accounts receivable report

deb_5970246 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
edited February 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Why doesn't the Accounts Payable screen, where it shows all the transactions for each Supplier, also include Journal transactions?  It is very frustrating that where a supplier has been paid by personal funds, and a journal entry made to adjust accordingly, that the adjustment doesn't show on the suppliers transaction history.  It should do!  A bill has been paid, but it's not showing in the Billers transaction history simply because it was paid by way of a journal entry  - i.e. from an equity account instead of from a bank account.  This is very frustrating.  How to fix?  Yes I know I can run a separate Journal transaction report and find it there, but I need to see it in the suppliers history, as it affects the balance owing to the supplier...


  • Shane_6461899
    Shane_6461899 Reckon Staff Posts: 339 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2020
    Hi Deborah,

    Sometimes it can depend on if the supplier name and the accounts payable account are on the first line of the journal.  If not edit the journal so they are then check again.

    Let me know how you go.

    Hope it helps.
  • deb_5970246
    deb_5970246 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited November 2016
    Yay!  Thank you Shane, that is exactly what it was.  Wow, I can't believe this would make a difference.  Now I will have to go back and change every such journal that affects Accts Payable and I am supposing Accts Receivable as well.  Reckon,  I really hope you fix this anomaly, as there is no logical reason why this would affect reporting.  Which way around the contents of a journal are entered, should not determine if they show in a report list, or not.  If the list says "All" for transaction type, then that's exactly what it should be!  Frankly I am surprised to discover this of Reckon, quickbooks has always been so all-encompassing and logical;  the reason why it leaves all others for dead.
    Thanks again Shane for solving my problem!   Love you!