TIFFANY ROWORTH Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 12 in Accounts Hosted
I have paid a staff member holidays and I checked the before and after leave accrual and it was correct.  I go back in a couple of days later and two paylips before that pay anouther 38 hours has just disappeared.  I did not process holidays on that pay and it was fine before.  Can anyone help????  Can I manually change the accural back to what it was supposed to be?

I appreciate any help.

Many thanks

Tiffany Roworth


  • Reckon FAQs
    Reckon FAQs Reckon Staff Posts: 356 Reckon Staff
    edited March 2017
    Hi Tiffany,

    Thanks for asking and sorrow for the delay in getting back to you.

    Reckon Accounts payslips can only show the leave accrued as at the last processed pay, regardless of the date of the pay.  Past payslips will show current leave accrued.

    To get for information on leave accrued and taken, go to the Leave Accrual Summary report and drill down on an employee and see the results pay by pay.

    You can check the leave accrued and taken in the Employee record, and if changes need to be made, they can be done there.  

    Hope this helps.


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