Why aren't Super Funds ABN showing in my SAFF report?
Deb Pearson
Member Posts: 8 Novice Member
Why aren't Super Funds ABN showing in my SAFF report? I have entered their ABN in the supplier list info. H-e-l-p as this is frustrating.
Hi Deb,
Thanks for asking.
A few things have changed with SuperStream processing and now Clearing Houses will source information like the ABN for a Super Fund from the USI information. Consequently ABN numbers for Super Funds are no longer sent to the SAFF or other Super Data Export Files.
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Thank you (again). Ozedi format still demanded it so I ended up editing manually to enter the ABNs. (Yes I thought USI was sufficient & that was why USI's existed!). After considerable frustration I finally got the file uploaded & accepted. ?1
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