how large can my reckon file be ?
Peter Tisdall
Member Posts: 21 Novice Member
Hello everyone. Not to pry - but can i ask how large/small is your qb/reckon company file ? We run Reckon Hosted, and our file is only 1.6Gb. Small really, and it is painfully slow at times to use. I feel it is the Reckon Cloud Infrastructure, and the VM type environment that is not optimised that is giving us grief. Not to mention the appearance of poor db normalisation That said, we still perform a verify & rebuild weekly, to no avail. It's still slow, the gateway sessions still disconnect, and that's just trying to login. Once logged in it might only last 1-2 mins, the 'disconnected'. Anyway, if you do not mind sharing this size value with me, it will help me determine my next course of action -possibly. Peter
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