I have been using Personal Plus for some time now and would like to look at an on-line option. Is th
Gary Kleidon
Member Posts: 5 Reckoner
I have been using Personal Plus for some time now and would like to look at an on-line option. Is there a product available that I can use ?
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Hi, Just managing personal finances , income and exp (including for rental properties), super and investments.0
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Might be a bit more suited to technical people, but there is always the option of hosting your own WIndows platform on a private cloud service, and installing Personal Plus there. WHy I suggest that, is dependent on whether you really like Personal Plus, in which case keep it, and focus on how you can enjoy running it from a cloud based environment.
Perhaps Kevin will throw that option on the table, so leave you with him on that. But its all about what is important, the software or the environment you use.
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