Debtors Invoicing... can we have a feature that highlights outstand invoices when creating a new inv
Julie McIntyre
Member Posts: 9 Novice Member
Debtors Invoicing... can we have a feature that highlights outstanding invoices, either at the point of creating the new invoice or on the actual invoice that is emailed to the client.
Happy New Year1
Can I suggest you create multiple invoice templates 1new is a new inv 2copy is copy & gentle reminder 3firm copy/more harsh reminder. If you prefix with a number by default it will select the 1new when creating, when you send say 2copy the invoice is saved with this which in turn reminds you where you up to with chasing payment. If you happy with the format you are using now, .template list >right click the template >select duplicate now double click and select manage templates (top of screen) and rename according and add the additional info or upload something like this
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I know the product well, I started out with IHA back in1992 followed by QuickBooks and now Reckon, she's my baby . . . . Sometimes you just have to think outside the square.
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FYI it's Jacqui0
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