GST amount on sales income
Member Posts: 16 Novice Member
Hi, is there any way to change the GST amount on sales income on Reckon Account Hosted? thank you.
The GST amount is always 10%, it cannot be changed. If you have sold items that don't have GST (why?) then you need to have 2 sales items, one with the correct amount of GST and then the other as GST Free0
Hi Charles, thank you for your respond.
Let me give you an example to make it easy to understand,
For example, we just made a sales income of 14,800. on the sales invoice, it said subtotal of 13,454.5 + GST of 1,345.5 = total will be 14,800
However, when I recorded it on reckon, it recorded as 13,454.5 + GST of 1345.45 = 14,799.95. So there will be 5 cent different on GST amount.
So what should I do to make the amount on reckon same with the amount on the sales invoice?
Thank you
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Use the 14,800 and tick the box at the bottom of the invoice 'amounts include GST'0
However 1/11 of 14,800 is 1,345.454545 so GST amount should be 1,345.450
so it should be 13,454.55 with GST of 1,345.45 = 14,8000
thank you
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