Credit Hold
Member Posts: 25 Reckoner
Placing customers on credit hold, is there an outside trading terms warning like the over credit limit? Also is there a setting that can stop users adding transactions when outside terms
No you cant stop staff processing but you can set a credit limit on the customer card, payment info if the customer purchases say $500 per month you would set the limit to $1,000, this can be modified to zero when they are in default. If some tries to process an invoice a credit limit a warning pops up when you preview and or save the transaction. I suggest my clients temporarily modify the name to include ** On Hold** per snap shot below as an additional reminder to staff.
FYI utilise customer notes to summarise these events, together with payment arrangement, debt recovery activities etc. keeping staff up to date and these can be printed and are accepted as a legal record should you have the need.0
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