online banking > transaction rules > bug
I have created a TRANSACTION RULE in ONLINE BANKING so certain food payments are coded as below. Unfortunately, the software IGNORES MY RULE and instead uses the tax code listed in the chart of accounts (as against the codes listed in my transaction rule).
This means that when I apply the rule, I get two line entries, both with the NCG tax code. The TRANSACTION RULE should override any other settings. I'm looking forward to the IT team resolving this oversight in the coding.
Not sure but if you only have 1 line item called food then the NCG code on that line item will override.
If you create another line item called say Food2 and put the NCF code against that, and then point the NCF food to that line item perhaps that will work
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Yes, I could have two accounts: FOOD - GST and FOOD - GST EXEMPT. I want to track everything under the one account so your option isn't going to work in my case. It's something for the IT people to look into and resolve. I'd classify it as a coding error / bug.
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That depends on how you set up your chart of accounts. You could have FOOD as the header account and FOOD-GST and FOOD-GST EXEMPT as sub-accounts and when you collapse the P&L report you only see the Header Account FOOD and everything is tracked under the one header account.
I don't see it as a coding issue at all. What you are asking is for 1 line item that can only have 1 Tax Code allocated to it to do 2 things at once when it can only do the one. Don't forget that all accounting packages are not computer programs but just big glorified databases. It's like asking a vehicle with a manual gear shift to be able to change gears without human input.
I see that you are trying to automate the process from the online banking into the accounting package as much as possible. My solution would be to set up the Chart of Accounts as I've suggested to accommodate what you want to bring across from the online banking and then just collapse the P&L report into what you want to see.
If you like you can call me on 0266834083 and I can run you though it.
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If that's the case though and the tax code is pulled across from the chart of accounts, there's no need to have a tax column in TRANSACTION RULES. I can create workarounds - my preference is not to. Since there is a tax column in TRANSACTION RULES, what use does it serve if the software ignores it and looks at the tax code used in the chart of accounts? Personally, I'd classify it as a software bug that needs addressing.
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Hi Jay,
I've tested your parameters and have not been able to replicate your results - the transaction was processed as expected.
Please carry out some maintenance on your file - Resort your lists; Rebuild; Verify and follow up on any errors and try again.
If the problem persists please call Technical Support for further assistance.
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Yes. I did another test and it worked.
However, it doesn't appear to work when the tax code is left blank (because you don't want to report that line).
In the example shown below, the second line defaults to NCG (even though the tax code is left blank). It seems the system hasn't allowed for a blank tax code to stay blank.
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Hi Jay,
The tax code selection here on Transaction Rules will override any tax code entered in on the Tax Code field on the Account's setup screen. If no tax code is selected here then the tax code in the setup will be used.
Create a custom tax code set to 0% to use for situations in Transaction Rules where you'd like no tax on accounts that have a tax code in their setup. (Make sure you do not include it in tax reports like your BAS)
Hope this gets around this issue for you.
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Great idea! Thanks.
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I've created a tax code NT (for No Tax). How can I run a report to see which transactions have this code assigned to them?
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Hi Jay,
In your Tax Code List, right click your NT code and select FastReport. Adjust the date range as needed.
In other reports that allow a Tax code column to be added, you can then filter for your code to show only those transactions.
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