Sick Leave issues
Member Posts: 9 Novice Member
Having issues with sick leave calculations. Seems to be accruing more it should(nearly the same as holidays)?
0.07694 - per hour
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HI Kylie. I would be setting the accrual to be based on every hour worked with an accrual rate of 03846 for personal leave (based on 10 days per year). Doing it that way (based on hours worked) means that if the hours vary for any reason, the accrual will calculate on the actual hours worked during the pay period. This is the alternative to having an input of so much "per pay" period. I use the same accrual method for all staff, irrespective of their FTE.
John L G0 -
Thankyou John. That looks a lot better accrual results.
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Kevin. I do not disagree with you at all. I have expressed it in a percentage of an hour which is equivalent to the same percentage of hours that you use. Annual leave of 7.6923% = 0.07692 of an hour whilst personal leave of 3.8462% = .03846 of an hour. Reckon can only take it to five decimal points.
John L G0 -
Our program is set up on decimal system rather than a percentage. Thank you for your help.
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