verify.c (7763) : CHECKPOINT: Fri Nov 17 17:11:38 Error: Verify Account Balance failed

Warrick Peacocke
Warrick Peacocke Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
reckon accounts Enterprise 2017
We can't verify or rebuild due to the below error as per winlog.

verify.c (7763) :  CHECKPOINT: Fri Nov 17 17:11:38 Error: Verify Account Balance failed. Account = Inventory Asset. Ref = 44. Calc bal = 

We received the following advice from reckon which has not worked -

"Please open RA and open the company file , Then, go to Lists > Chat of Accounts > Account > Re-sort List. (Your will get the Account option at the end of the page)
Then, click on Windows > Close all and then try to take back and let me know."

We have already had to pay for 1 data rebuild for a similar problem so would love to know what we are doing wrong and how to fix.


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,570 Reckon Staff
    edited November 2017
    Welcome to the Reckon Community, Warrick,

    I've checked with Data Recovery and the work done on your file is not related to this error message you are getting.

    A full Rebuild should fix a problem like this.  Could you please do the following:
    1. Resort all Lists - View > Re-sort List.  Work your way down each List - Chart of Accounts, Item List, etc.  Don't forget to do each sub-list under Customer & Supplier profile list.  To re-resort the Names List, open a Write Check, place the cursor in the Payee field and press Ctrl-L
    2. Verify the file
    3. Was an error found?  Take note of the details of the error in the QBWin.log file.
    4. Rebuild 
    5. Verify again
    6. Was an error found? Check the QBWin file anyway. (Hopefully there will not be an error now)
    Now test your file
    1. Process an Inventory Asset related transaction - Sell an inventory item.
    2. Verify your file - is an error found? Is it the same error? Check the QBwin.log file.  
    3. If no error found, do another different transaction - Buy an Inventory Item.
    4. Verify your file - is an error found? Is it the same error? Check the QBwin.log file.
    5. If no error found, do another different transaction - Choose a different Inventory Item.
    6. Repeat a few times and can you recreate the error?
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