Employee Leave Accruals gone crazy - Reckon Accounts Premier: Contractor Edition 2016

Lynne_8946547 Member Posts: 93 Reckoner Reckoner
Our employees accrue RDO's (Roster days off) and Saturday RDO's on a weekly basis (as well as the normal Personal Leave and Holiday Leave.  We use "Other 1 Accrued" and Other 2 Accrued" to record this leave.

Unlike Personal and Holiday Leave the RDO's are not accrued when the employee is on Annual Leave or on Sick Leave.  As there is no way to stop this accruing on a weekly basis I normally manually adjust the leave totals in the "Payroll & Compensation info" tab. 

However in the last couple of months I had two employees away on annual leave, but after manually adjusting their RDO's the totals have gone crazy.  The total in the P&C info tab look correct, but the payslip is showing a different amount as is the "Leave Accrual Summary" Report (in Reports/Employees & Payroll).

I have tried deleting the payroll for those two employees and re-entering without trying to adjust the leave but something somewhere is still messing up the leave totals.

I called Reckon support and they advised rebuilding the data file 3 times in a row however this did not solve the problem. This was over a week ago and I'm still waiting on them calling me back, even though I've left two messages for them to call me.

Has anyone else come across this problem?


  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Lynne - I have had this happen to clients before - the best fix is to create a new employee - and either reenter the pays from July to now - or to do a YTD setup entry to bring up to date...  it seems that sometimes if the leave accruals are edited in a certain way (I dont think anyone has been able to pin it down exactly) then what you see in the pay details vs what you see in Edit Employee vs what prints on the payslips - gets all out of wack... sorry, but I believe this is the only real fix...
  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 489 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2019

    Lynne I am currently testing a fix for this problems BUT I was able to fix the issue, my client was not.  I just got off the phone from her and she is going to try the fix again.  Reckon are aware of the issue and are getting me to test the fix - but it has not been widely advertised as we are still testing.  My client has weekly pays and I won't know until Friday week if they have been able to resolve the issue their end.  Will advise as soon as I can.

    In the mean time, like Linda mentioned, creating a new employee will fix the issue immediately, but if you do want to wait until Friday week I'll let you know.

    Regards, Robyn Kelly

  • Lynne_8946547
    Lynne_8946547 Member Posts: 93 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited November 2017
    Thanks Robyn.  I will wait until Friday next week for the fix. 
    As it's only 2 employees it's not a causing me too many issues as I am manually adjusting what is printing on their payslips and keeping record of what the totals should be.

    Thank  you for your help.

  • Charley
    Charley Member Posts: 549 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited January 2020
    Lynne; there is nothing worse then when your leave accruals go out of whack, it can be very time consuming to recreate. I use a spreadsheet as a control, which includes Annual Leave, Personal and TOIL, you can have a copy if you like just email me on charley@vanrotterdam.com.au
  • Ifti
    Ifti Reckon Staff Posts: 258 Reckon Staff
    edited June 2020
    Hi everyone,

    We've found a workaround to resolve this issue. So far we've tested with few cases and it's worked for all.

    We're creating a KB article with the workaround. While we have this ready, you can try the below steps and let us know if it works for you too.
    1. Print a current “Leave Liability” report and ensure you know the current leave accruals for each employee prior to making any changes
    2. Edit each employee
    3. Go to Payroll & Compensation Info Tab
    4. Click On the Leave Details Tab
    5. Note down the existing Year Begins on “xxxxx” and Day “xx” and Begin accruing time on “xx/xx/xx” for each employee (or take a screen shot of the existing details)
    6. Do this for both Personal and Holiday
    7. Tick the 'Reset hours each new year' option for each employee
    8. Enter the Year begins on and Day as a date after the last pay entered but prior to the next pay date (i.e. if the last pay is on 08/11 and the next pay is on 15/11 enter any date between 09/11 & 14/11 as the reset date)
    9. Do this for both Personal and Holiday
    10. Rebuild the data file 3 times (File > Utilities > Rebuild)
    11. Process the next pay (eg 15/11), the leave will reset.
    12. Go into the Employee record and enter the correct Amount of Personal and Holiday Leave (and untick the Reset option)
    13. Next week when you process the next pay (i.e. 22/11), the leave accruals will be correct in Payslip & Employee Record and the Transaction.
    Please let me know the outcome.


  • Lynne_8946547
    Lynne_8946547 Member Posts: 93 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited December 2017
    Thanks for this, I have my fingers crossed that this works.  I have done up to step 10 so far.  I will be processing the next pay on 6th Dec and again on the 13th Dec. I will let you know how I get on.
    On Step 12  when I untick the Reset option, do I change the Year Begins on and Day back to what is originally was as well?

  • Ifti
    Ifti Reckon Staff Posts: 258 Reckon Staff
    edited December 2017
    Hi Lynne,

    Good question. Yes please change it back to the original one and if, as per your policy, YTD don't reset every year, just keep it unticked.

    Please let me know how it goes as I am very curious to know the outcome. I hope that this resolves your issue completely.


  • Lynne_8946547
    Lynne_8946547 Member Posts: 93 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited December 2017
    Hi, I have just finished processing the payroll for the last week and all leave accruals have been fixed.  I checked the payslips, the Leave Liability Report and the Leave Accrual Summary and the leave totals match in all 3.

    Thank you so much for this fix.

    Out of curiosity, do you think I could have run this fix on just the two employees that were wrong?

    Thank you

  • Ifti
    Ifti Reckon Staff Posts: 258 Reckon Staff
    edited December 2017
    Hi Lynne,

    Thank you for letting us know the outcome. It helps us a lot!

    Yeah it should be done on the employees who have this issue. 


  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 489 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2018
    @Ifti what was the KB article number for this one please - I can't locate it.  Thank you
    Robyn Kelly
  • Ifti
    Ifti Reckon Staff Posts: 258 Reckon Staff
    edited September 2018
  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 489 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2018
    All good @Ifti, for others who find this post, the Knowledge Base Article can be found here: http://kb.reckon.com.au/issue_view.asp?ID=5623
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,133 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited September 2018
    Robyn- in my experience this will keep happening in that file... my client who experienced this with 2016 and 2017 - has been all good since upgrading to 2018... thanks Reckon for fixing!  :)

  • KGibbs
    KGibbs Member Posts: 13 Reckoner Reckoner

    This solution and others like it have not worked for me. I have attempted this several times, with a few variances when it hasn't worked. The payslips always show a negative amount in the leave accruals. There are only two employees in this system, both Personal and Annual leave is effected, the other only the Annual leave is effected. Although using this fix, the leave did reset, it still didn't on the pay slips. It seems to be backwards calculating every week. The Leave liability report remains correct, as do the employee "cards". However the payslips show only negatively accruing calculations.

  • Jenny Byrne
    Jenny Byrne Member Posts: 65 Reckoner Reckoner

    I still have the same problem. What I did to correct it was go back and not accrue 2 lots of hours so that the accrual and leave liability balanced. It means the current payslip has the correct holiday and personal hours showing. IThe business is closing down in a few months so it soon will not an issue. I will just keep doing what I am doing to get correct holiday hours.