Bank Reconciliation
Cyndy Allison
Member Posts: 7 Novice Member
Bank Reconciliation - my opening and closing balances are correct, all items for the month are ticked off, yet it is telling me that my difference, which should be 0, is exactly twice my requirec closing balance and that I have cleared the exact amount of my closing balance - is anyone else having this issue???? Have I accidentally clicked on something that is recognising the end of month reconciliation amount in the system? and my manual entry should be 0???
very confused this has never ever happened before
very confused this has never ever happened before
don't worry - a third refresh has finally fixed it!!!!
1 -
try and run a " Reconciliation Discrepancy Report" it may show you what has happened. :-)0
Hi Cyndy
Any chance you are running an overdraft?
Overdraft balances need to be entered as a Negative.
Kind Regards
Kim Chapman
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