Tax Detail Report Configuration

Denise Goode
Denise Goode Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 11 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Hi there, I have Quickbooks Premier 2015 - Manufacturing & Wholesale. Is there a way of getting the Tax Detail Report to show just the one bill payment per Supplier (as it shows in the bank register) and not all the individual invoice amounts that make up that bill payment? I used to just enter the Supplier statement total (as a split transaction costed to jobs) direct into the bank register and that single entry was what then showed on the Tax Detail Report. I've recently changed the way I do things and now I enter each invoice (bill) into the "Enter Bills" and then pay them through "Pay Bills" selecting all the invoices for that Supplier which then shows as one entry into my bank register. However on the Tax Detail Report every invoice shows instead of the single Supplier payment. I'm sure there must be a way around this but I haven't found it as yet. I'm hoping someone might have the answer for me please? Thanks in advance. :-)


  • Kevin Whiting_9030083
    Kevin Whiting_9030083 Member Posts: 16 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi Denise,
    Potentially, you might pay several Bills with one payment, and these Bills might have different tax codes.  In fact, you might even have different tax codes within the one Bill e.g. a mixture of fresh foods (NCF) and processed foods (NCG).  So logically, the Tax Detail report needs to be able to show each tax code per transaction, rather than each Bill or each payment.
  • Diane W
    Diane W Member Posts: 41 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2018

    Hi Denise,

    I agree with Kevin's reply also. I am only just coming back into Reckon Accounts after being away for a few years, but from memory isn't there a Tax Detail and a Tax Summary Report?  If there are the two reports, the summary may show the one entry for the one supplier if the same tax codes were used in each bill. Again, it's been a while so I could be off track here, but good luck.



  • Kerryn Lindsay
    Kerryn Lindsay Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi Denise, I also have problems with this and cannot see why the detailed report is like this when reporting on a cash basis.  I have not struck it before using other accounting software and since our business switched from accrual to cash basis, I have found the BAS;/GST reports very frustrating and time consuming.  I would love to hear further answers on why this has to be this way?
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