empdue file upload to ATO failed -

lisa pryde
lisa pryde Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
edited October 11 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
EMPDUE file and Taxable payments file, both failed when lodging via ATO Business portal. 
Reason from ATO - please contract software developer, the file size is not a correct miltiple of the record length. Ive not had this problem in the past. 


  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,569 Reckon Staff
    edited July 2018
    Welcome to the Reckon Community Lisa,

    The usual reason for this type of failure at the ATO site in the pre-STP era is a single digit entry in the Branch No field for your Tax Rego ID on the Company > Company Information screen.  Generally, leave this field blank; only if your Branch No is something other than 001, ensure that it is entered in 3 digits - ie as 002 and not as 2.

    Generate your export files again and upload to the ATO.

    Hope this resolves your issue.

  • lisa pryde
    lisa pryde Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi John, 

    not fixed,  Field was already blank, so any other suggestions.
    i have tried 3 times , and all times same error. Never had it before, so unsure what has changed, as i have done all the new programs so everything is the most current program. 
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