How do I remove a dodgy deposit?
Kerry Arch_9820400
Member Posts: 7 Novice Member
I have a deposit that is not linked to my bank account. If I try making the deposit 'void' it just keeps reappearing again. If I OK the deposit, it puts my Undeposited Funds account out of balance. This is a duplicate deposit and the first one is balanced and reconciled. No matter how I try to get rid of this bogus deposit I just can't! Any suggestions would be welcomed.
Kerry - might need some screen shots to work this one out? what does the History button of the one you want to get rid of tell you about the transaction?0
There is no transaction history. I hope this picture is what you are after?0
Ok - so this deposit comes from a Receive Payments entry that was deposited to the Undeposited funds account. Firstly - delete this Deposit - then you will need to go back to the Customer Centre - find that customer and delete the actual Receive Payments entry that this deposit was linked to .... so you should have I expect, 2 x Receive payment entries for the same amount for the same customer, they may both be pointing to Undeposited Funds or maybe one of them is going direct to the bank and the other is going to Undeposited funds? If only one is going to Undeposited funds, then that is the one to delete, if they are both going to Undeposited funds, then if you try and delete the wrong one it will tell you that the entry cannot be deleted until the deposit has first been deleted...which means you need to delete the other one... once you have done this - check that customer balance is now correct and also Undeposited funds is now correct... cheers Linda1
I dont think this would be the case Kerry... if there is only one receive Payment in the system - then can you please open that payment up - then go to the History button at the top of the window for this payment .... you should see a deposit? if you click the Go to button on this deposit - then add a memo somewhere that says (correct deposit - keep)... now close this and go back to the deposit you are having trouble with - check that this is NOT the SAME deposit that you just put a memo on? if it is different - can you then post a screen dump of the Receive Payment window?0
hmm... . its hard to interpret whats happening without seeing it? was the payment Deposited to Undeposited Funds or the Bank? if you dont see a deposit entry in the History window - then this means it probably went direct to Bank...or did you look at the History AFTER deleting the Make Deposits entry you are having trouble with? If you want to give me a call this afternoon and give me access via Teamviewer - I think it would only take a couple of minutes to figure out what is happening?0
Hi Linda,
Just to update you, I think I have solved it. I deleted all payments on the invoice and any relating bills and deposits and processed it all again. I think I have solved the issue. Not sure what caused the duplication still, however, it appears to be fixed so I'm happy
Thank you for your willingness to assist.0 -
Excellent! good news! Well done for sorting it out..0
Yeah, thanks0
I know how this happened as this happened to me I entered the payment, the system didn't respond, so I click payment again, and this time it succeed, but actually the system recorded both click as two payment. Now I unlink one payment, to bring the invoice to zero. but you know what, in the customer statement, it still picked both payment there.
Is there a way to reverse this? instead of entering the whole thing again? As mine is really a long invoice.0
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