Renaming Rules keeps over riding my choices

Damo Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
Currently setting up reckon for the first time. I have downloaded the current financial year historical data from the bank using QIF to set up my software. I'm having issues with the renaming rules when accepting transactions.

When going through the imported transactions and accepting them the naming rules keeps suggesting things I don't want. When I create a rule using names I want, the next time I try to accept a transaction from the same payee it will redo the renaming rule pop-up box with an incorrect entry.

It seemed to work fine when I did my first account, but now I'm accepting transactions for the second account it is having issues with matching. It seems like its only reading the first bit of the transaction description so not properly differentiating between transactions.

I do regular transfers between accounts, and reckon wants to keep amalgamating the different transfers for different accounts into just one account name when I'm clearly transferring between multiple accounts.

How can I get Reckon to accept my custom naming rules without rejecting them every time I come across a similar transaction?


PS: The sentiment needs an angry face emoji.


  • Unknown
    edited March 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • Andrew Christie
    Andrew Christie Member Posts: 149 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited June 2019
  • Damo
    Damo Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited March 2019

    Thanks Dave, but it's a bummer that you say that. For me, keeping track of my expenses IS a hassle, thats why I got this software in the first place. I have about 1300 transactions to import so I'll be gaining a week of my life if it can be automated, and electronic import is supposed to avoid the human error. This software is supposed to make it simpler. I was really after something that could do a bank link and import automatically. I didn't get that obviously. If this is too manual it just wont get done and defeats the purpose of having the software for me. I was a happy quicken user years ago and haven't found anything similar to replace it in my recent hunt for software. Looking through this forum it seems as though my expectations of a modern software should of been less optimistic.

    I have a busy life and need something simple and easy.

    Anyone else have a possible solution? Or an alternative software, as I haven't gone very far down the road to get locked into this one. I found reckon one too limited last time I looked



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