How do I enter the balance of a payment from a customer that had the amount we owe them as a supplie
Barbara de Waard_10081632
Member Posts: 3 Novice Member
We have a customer who is also a supplier and they paid their account to us less our account to them. How do I enter the transaction in Reckon Accounts Premier 2019?
I do what Lynne has suggested but I use an intermediary Bank account - I call it Items to Follow Up... and all my clients put entries there that they are not sure how to handle... in this situation, I would do a Pay Bills to pay off your supplier - and allocate the payment to Items to Follow Up... then I would do a Receive Payments entry for the customer name for this same amount - also allocated to Items to Follow Up - this account balance is now zero... Then I do a Receive Payments entry for the amount they ACTUALLY PAID you - and process this to your normal bank account - this makes the Bank Rec easy (especially if that is someone else's job).. Cheers0
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