tax rates are incorrect
Judy Smart
Member Posts: 2 Novice Member
PAYG tax rates are much higher than the ATO tax tables. Eg gross $1140, tax according to Reckon should be $269, according to tax tables $231, $38 more deducted. another one Gross $448, according to Reckon deduct $$33, according to ATO tax tables $20, $13 more.
Employees are very unhappy about this, and I do not see why I should have to go through and manually override the tax deductions for every employee every week. I am using Hosted 2019, and all employees are on tax code 2-TFT.
Employees are very unhappy about this, and I do not see why I should have to go through and manually override the tax deductions for every employee every week. I am using Hosted 2019, and all employees are on tax code 2-TFT.
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HI Judy. Go and edit your SGC payroll item and when you get to the section ?Tax Tracking Type?, make sure that you select ?None. ? You are not the first person to find that ?None ?has not been selected or say ?Gross Payments? has been selected in error.
John L G0 -
Hello John, I have just incurred the same problem as Judy did awhile ago. My tax rates has been correct until the first week of May. I have checked that the tracking type is none, which it is. However, the system is still calculating the tax on the super amount as well. Any other idea how to fix it?0
Hi, I have solved my problem thankyou1
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