Currency list historical rates lost in upgrade to Reckon Home & Business 2020

WJR Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
I just upgraded to Reckon Home and Business 2020. I previously used RH&B 2018, with a long list of historical currency rates that were painstakingly entered/updated - going back for years.
To my surprise, opening the previous RH&B 2018 file w/ the upgraded program RH&B 2020 all historical rates are GONE :-( 
Only today's rates (31Oct2019) remain present after updating in RH&B 202031 Oct 2019.
A known problem? How to correct?

(Note: I did back files up b4 the upgrade)


  • Johnathon Reeves
    Johnathon Reeves Member Posts: 16 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited November 2019
    I have a similar problem - but much more widespread - missing and corrupted transactions.  I can only complete about 4 transactions before having to close and re-open the program.  Severe issues importing bank transactions.  I upgraded from the 2019 H&B.  No fix yet - it is driving me bananas!
  • Johnathon Reeves
    Johnathon Reeves Member Posts: 16 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited November 2019
    *I just called technical help - and they basically said - too bad too sad - they don't provide support for H&B.  Nor can I re-install 2019 which worked.
  • Unknown
    edited November 2019
    This content has been removed.