Wrong default dates now showing for Last Financial Quarter?
Glenn Anderson
Member Posts: 5 Novice Member
Why have my default financial quarter dates now now begin at 01/06/2019 instead of 01/07/2019?
Still defaults to 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019. Refresh doesn't change anything. Checked Company info again... definitely set to July?0
Glenn. Which date are you changing - the financial year of the tax year? It is the financial year which needs changing. With the report open/run, go to Company Information and change the financial year start month to say May, then go to your report which should have automatically updated with new dates - did the date range change?
John L G0 -
John. I opened Tax Liability Report -It was still stuck on June, did a refresh no change, went to the Company Info and changed it to May. Refreshed the report... still stuck on 01/06/2019. Ran report for Last Financial Year... still stuck. Changed the report to General Ledger for Last financial year... it began in May. Good. Then ran report for Last Financial Quarter and it changed to 01/08/2019 to the 31/10/2019... this is getting weirder!
Tried Company/Profit & Loss/Last Month... October... good... Tried Last Financial year... May... good. Tried Last Financial Quarter... back to August?0
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