JobKeeper monthly pays

Will_10588422 Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
edited June 2020 in Accounts Hosted
I have an employee that is paid monthly and their next pay period ends on 24/4/20. This will be their first pay since JobKeeper started. Should the JOBKEEPER-START-FNXX number be 01 or 02? I want to be sure that the JobKeeper payments will start from 30/3 (i.e. $3,000 for the pay period ending 24/4).


  • Simon Hutchinson_7077598
    Simon Hutchinson_7077598 Reckon Alumni Posts: 24 Former Reckon Staff Member Former Reckon Staff
    edited April 2020
    Hi will

    If you want to be eligible from 30/3 it needs to be 01
  • Bruce
    Bruce Member Posts: 442 Professional Partner Professional Partner
    edited June 2020
    01; this represents the effective date from which you are claiming JobKeeper
  • Will_10588422
    Will_10588422 Member Posts: 13 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited April 2020
    Thank you Simon and Bruce!