Problems with error parsing xml when adding NonInventoryItem
Michelle Martin
Member Posts: 12 Novice Member
Hi Michelle,
No worries, happy to help.
I think it's better to create via qbXML as that gets rid of other issues and keeps it clean.
Ifti1 -
I just had another look at the fine print (no really, the clear explanation) under ItemNonInventory and it states clearly that you can't change a SalesOrPurchase to SalesAndPurchase using a Mod Rq. And I also note that the BarCode element is in V12.0 and Reckon uses V6.1. Oh dear, humble pie!0
i dont think the SDK has provison for Bar codes, Manufacturing Parts and UOM.
The Intuit version has as you stated .Â
Ifti can reconfirm meÂCosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
0 -
what about MParts and UOM , can we do same , Ifti
Cosmic Accounting Group
Accountants and Tax Agents 22397009
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