Entering RESC one a year
David G
Member Posts: 5 Novice Member
Hi All, Currently using Accounts Hosted and just need to enter a once off RESC payment into Reckon so i can separate RESC and super guarantee on the single touch payroll report. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hey Bruce, Thx for the reply, payment transferred but need to make it work in Reckon, need to go back into Reckon and make it spit out the correct report for STP0
I had to do the same thing and so had to put an earnings amount of the amount of the SS figure so the SS was deducted from gross earnings and tax remained the same. Took a bit of fiddling but got there in the end0
I have used a similar approach to Kris using a “one off “ pay run. Lodge this as a regular STP file and then do your finalise year STP0
problem is i dont know how to set up the payment in Reckon to allocate so it shows up as an RESC payment, any details to set it up would be appreciated0
Had to setup a salary sacrifice pay item, the one that was already there didn’t work for me. When setup properly I entered an amount in earnings for the amount of the RESC. Then used the SS item as a deduction. This should result In a zero pay. I had to juggle things around a little until I got the desired result. I actually added this to the last pay but a separate pay should do the same thing . I am away at the moment till Monday and so don't have access to my file, but happy to go through it with you over the phone if you don’t get it sorted by then0
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