Updated to Reckon Accounts Plus 2020 and only opens in a sample company
Sue Kemp
Member Posts: 18 Reckoner
I know this is user error so sorry in advance - I've just updated to Reckon Accounts Plus 20 and now I'm trying to open my company file. It normally goes straight into my company file. It seems to only open up in a sample company file. I've tried to open an existing company file, went to the destination folder where installed and I get a host of folders. I don't know which one it is and which folder to open - again I know its because I'm a novice - so sorry - thanks sue
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Are you using Hosted or accounts plus?0
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Hi Sue. I also have just updated to Reckon Accounts Plus 20 (desktop). I guess/hope you made a back up copy before you updated? I chose the Restore option to reload my company file but you should be able to open the existing. I think from you post that you are just having trouble distinguishing which is your most recent Company file. When you are in Explorer (File Manager/My Computer) looking for your Company file, there should be some menus up the top - File, Home, Share, View. Click on the View menu and select the Details option from Layout. In this format you will be able to see the dates that the files/folders were saved. You are looking for the latest file with the .QBW extension - mine is TNNsy3.QBW. It has a red Reckon logo to the left and the file type will say Reckon Accounts Company File. Please note, this is for the desktop version of Reckon Accounts Plus 20, not Hosted.0
In the Control Panel before opening either version, go to log off Remote sessions and log off all0
Have you tried to restore from a backup?
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Hi Glenda - I took it to my tech guy who has fixed the problem. He found the file and restored my info, updated my tax table and now I'm back up and running - one happy camper !!!!!0
That’s great news. What would we do without tech guys.0
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