Tax File Number Declaration - Payroll function

Arron Sterba-Choi
Arron Sterba-Choi Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member
edited July 2020 in Reckon One
Hi there,

I was thinking about upgrading from payroll lite to payroll medium to utilise the new TFN Declaration facility.

I used to provide the paper TFN Dec forms to my accountant to submit to the ATO but I have decided to start doing it myself through Reckon One.

A few questions before i do so:

- After a new employee returns their paper TFN dec to me and i enter all their details to Reckon and presss 'Lodge TFN Declaration via Reckon GovConnect' (is that all that i have to do - or will i still need to lodge the paper form to the ATO? or is that not required now)

- When an employee exits - Is there a way to tell the ATO from the Reckon that they have exited or will i still have to 'tick the no longer making payments to this payee' on the paper form box as before?



  • Hawk
    Hawk Member Posts: 65 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited July 2020
    You don’t have to return the forms if you are using the new TFN Declaration facility. Just need to safe keep them as records. When you terminate the worker, STP will mark Final Event as “Yes” to ATO. This will tell ATO the worker has exited.