General Journal entry number not self generating since Reckon update
Margaret Lokmer
Member Posts: 33 Reckoner
Since we performed the Reckon Update our General Journal Entry Numbers are not self-generating as before. The field is now blank and we need to search for the last entry to know what is the next in sequence which is difficult when there are a number of people doing General Journals and not always in date sequence. Any help would be appreciated.
It’s in Preferences - Accounting1
Thank you. It is already selected here. "Automatically assign general journal entry number" is ticked but since the update this is not occurring.0
AH ha! You are correct, not working for me either. Interesting0
what happens if you create a journal and manually enter a number. Do subsequent journals continue from the number you entered?0
I went to the last journal and gave it a number, then next - no number0
No. I have had to manually create all new journals entry numbers.0
I have worked out that if I start the entry number with a letter and then a number (ie. alpha numeric such as Jnl 318) then it will work.2
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