superannuation updates
HI Community
The superannuation details are not showing up in reports for a new employee. How do i select a USI when there are dozens to choose from and the employee doesn't know? How do I correct or update details - every time i overtype or try the fund scheme still doesn't show up in the quarterly report.
The employee has to show you a statement or some paperwork or ring their super company and get that information
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thanks Kris, I am struggling to update/correct the details. Can i just delete and start again?
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Yes, in the employees record delete the super line altogether and add to a new line, but you will need that USI information.
‘once you have the correct information you will have to go back into each pay and make sure it’s reflected in there. Often you just have to change something, hours worked e.g. then change back to make the super calculate
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ok - thank you - i think that has worked. I just went back into each payslip, reselected the super line (which changed nothing as such) but when saved and exited it seems to have worked. Fund Scheme is now showing up in quarterly super report. Thanks for your help. :)
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