Salary sacrifice not showing correctly in PAYG Payment Summary
Last year I set up a SS for one of our staff, I am in the process of reconciliation before I complete the final STP and have found that the amount on the staff member's PAYG payment summary in the reportable employer super contribution is incorrect. When I set up the item in payroll items I set up the super contribution as salary sacrifice and when I print off the payroll summary report it is showing up correctly but this amount is not reflecting correctly in the PAYG payment summary.
Would appreciate help to determine how this figure is reporting wrong on the PAYG payment summary, how can I check why it is wrong, is there a report I can print to see what has gone wrong or is there any way I can change it manually so that it reports correctly through STP?
would appreciate any help please.
Just an update....I have found the reason for the PAYG Payment Summary showing the incorrect amount in comparison to the salary sacrifice amount - it appears that the upload into the STP on the 25th Dec deleted all previous Salary Sacrifice contributions - I don't really know why or how.
So I guess now I would really appreciate it if someone can help me rectify this error - I have tried deleting and reloading the staff member's pay from the 25th and reloading back to STP but this has not helped it is still not recognising the SS contributions prior to the 25th.
Interestingly on the Review Paycheque, the correct YTD is showing so I have no clue why the system has decided to nullify all the previous SS amounts. Would really appreciate help on this one.
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update....found a very helpful previously posted article "STP report not balancing with RESC," that advised that apparently there is a glitch in the system that sometimes causes RESC to not record against the employee record. I followed the instructions, went into each payroll record deleted and re-entered the salary sacrifice, saved and that worked perfectly. Thank you to Shaz Hughes who posted the great and ease to follow instructions in that article x
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Glad to hear that helped Larissa ☺️
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
*** Reckon Accredited Partner (AP) Bookkeeper - specialising EXCLUSIVELY in Reckon Accounts / Hosted ! ***
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Ballajura, WA
(NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)
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