Payroll App pay run details
Why does the super guarantee that we input at 9.5% not deducted from the earnings and leave amount.
This makes the calculated taxable gross earnings too high by the super guarantee amount, which makes the calculated tax witheld amount too high and also the net pay amount too high by the super guarantee amount.
Appreciate any help I can get
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Hi Gabe, It seems to work properly for me... I'm using the free & latest version of Payroll App.
You don't need to manually enter the super guarantee (SG) amount... After you've created a new pay run, select the employee and press Edit. If necessary, select Add item, select "Ordinary" earnings, enter the hourly rate & hours worked. The App then calculates the Gross Wages, tax and SG amount. Remember, SG is in additiion to wages and for 2021/22 it is 10% (not 9.5%).
You can also add a Salary Sacrifice Super amount if you need to.
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Yes, that's the current version. It was updated on 5th July
Hi Andy's, thank you, I downloaded version 2.11.10 and that seemed to fix my problem.
Do you know if this is the latest version?
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Hi Gabe, there is supposed to be another App update coming out today (Friday 9th) to fix two other issues:
Please note: We have another update currently scheduled for Friday which will resolve the following situations;
- Terminated employees appearing in the EOFY finalisation submission when they have had no active balance or been part of any submissions within that financial year.
- The 2020/21 option not appearing when attempting to create an End of Financial Year finalisation.
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