ABA File error
I have created an aba file from reckon but when we tried to upload it to the bank it said the transactions did not balance. I have checked through all the transactions which were correct however the balancing lines did not add up correctly? Is anyone else having the same problem. This is since the update.
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I have updated as well Tania and fortunately did not have this problem. I use the Westpac bank. I take it you have been using this feature for some time with no issues! Updates can often cause quirks like this. Have you rebuilt the data? How many employees are included in the aba file?
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We have been using this feature for years as well. we were paying 179 people which is not unusual for us and the file it reckon created did not have the correct balance. The first time that has happened. It is not a bank issue as we checked that balance of the aba file reckon created and it was incorrect.
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