Bank Reconciliation Issues
Hi. I am trying to do some bank reconciliations for 31.07.2021. In two instances I have had issues. The current one is that I did a bank rec at 30.06.21 but when I go to do the bank rec at 31.07.21 the June 2021 transactions are showing up. Anybody had this before?
I am assuming they are transactions in June that had not come through the bank by 30/6. Is the opening balance the same as 30/6 statement balance
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No they are transactions that had come through the bank, were posted into Reckon and the bank rec prepared by marking them off. Now the July 2021 is acting like the June 2021 bank rec was never done
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Is the opening balance correct?
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Hi Kris. The opening balance was the balance as at 31.05.21. It was like the June 2021 bank rec had never been done. I have just re-done it for June 2021 and then done the July 2021 which seems to have made it OK but not sure what went wrong.
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And I had a similar thing happen earlier today on a foreign currency account. When I tried to do the July 2021 bank rec the May and July transactions showed up.
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Glad you sorted it out
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Many thanks for your help Kris
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