Customer report & filtering

Hi, it's been some time since I ran reports but it is driving me mad now that I am not getting amounts or account event though I have tried to filter for these.
I also am searching for a description but I know it has not brought up all the invoices with the "word" in desc.
Can anyone help?
What exactly are you trying to do?
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I want to run a report for one customer for one area of their business.
So from Jan - Aug 2021, all invoices & amounts.
When I filter with the word to search by it sometimes doesnt bring up all invoices.
I used to be able to go to Edit, Find and it would show the amounts and whether a part (income) or parts/materials (exp) etc but now I am not getting this.
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"... but now I am not getting this ..."
Can you explain further Chris ? Is it not finding anything or just not finding all the invoices?
Make sure you have deleted any other filters that may inadvertently be on it that Filters box also.
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
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(NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)
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OK, I have taken off the description "word" i wanted to search by and now its showing the amounts & account, e.g., parts etc. But I dont want all the invoices, I just wanted it to show all invoices with a said "word" . I thought I used to be able to do this unless I should be running a different report from the Report Centre?
The column "name" is where the "word" would be but "name" is also the customer name....does this make sense?
Doesnt seem I can use "name" to search for the customer & filter a "word".