Request was incorrectly Formatted or was missing required items"
Problem with STP.
When trying to send a payrun to Govconnect STP I get the error message
"Request was incorrectly formatted or was missing required items"
Have used STP successfully up until today.
Best Answer
Hi Peter,
Are there any new employees that have come on board that are now part of the submission you're attempting to send through?
The reason I ask that is this error is usually related to incomplete/missing information. I'm going to link a guide below which although is related to a different error message, is still relevant to the one you're encountering -
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Hi Rav
Not a new employee, but yes, one that has not worked with us for a while.
I have changed his re-re-starting date (bit of a yoyo) in his employee info. And his hourly rate. But all his other details are still the same.
0 -
And yes, the guide you linked me to helped
Error Tada.... Vic instead of Victoria.
This employee did go through to STP previously with Vic in his address though. Strange.
Anyway, after I changed
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