Reckon Account 2020 - Company File

sandeepmisra Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

We recently attempted to upgrade from Reckon 2020 to Reckon 2022 as we were receiving 6123 error.

Reckon support tried to install 2022 but for some reason we couldnt get the backup or the company file to open.

We then tried to revert back but now even 2020 software wont open our backup file or compnay file QBD.

This is really critical for us to get this all working back up again so appreciate if anyone can provide any guidance or offer any assistance as our finance cannot operate.

We tried re-installing software multiple times but still no success. Unfortunately support isnt online to help so appreciate if someone can assist us with any type of assistance.


  • GerryWinter
    GerryWinter Accredited Partner Posts: 1,342 Personal Range Elite Expert Personal Range Expert

    The QBD is where your problem lies, a backup is usually QBB, call me and i will have a look.

    Gerry id 6376

    Gerhard Winter

    Ph. 0418907140

    Reckon Store Next Door

    "Always at your Service"


  • sandeepmisra
    sandeepmisra Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    Thanks Gerry. We have managed to get Reckon Account 2022 working on the server but post upgrade we are still facing 6123 error.

    The Reckon Account software is installed on a server - Windows Server 2019. Not sure if anything on the server or version of windows is causing the 6123 error. The reason i am saying this is because when we took the company file and used in on a Windows Server 2012 install for the same Reckon Account 2022 software the error does not occur.

    We have also tried to follow the article and troubleshooting steps mentioned in the below article to the best of our knowledge but it still hasnt resolved our problem

    We are now stuck and do not know what to try next. Also hesitant to make changes to the install again and risk downtime.

    Appreciate if someone in the community can offer any guidance and support as this 6123 error is really stopping users from connecting