Duplicated GovConnect STP entries
I was trying to do a file replace with corrected payruns in GovConnect STP but instead I have accidentally submitted 2 entries for the same pay run. The incorrect pay run no longer exists in Reckon as I changed that to Draft and then deleted, but it has been submitted to the ATO. I have the ATO receipt for the entry I need to delete but I'm not sure how to do this. Do I contact the ATO or is there a way to do this in Reckon?
Hi @Flick
You can't delete any STP submissions that have already been sent to the ATO but keep in mind STP is reported on a YTD basis only so any submissions that you send will only update the Year to Date balance ie. if the two submissions were the same the YTD balances remain the same.
The next submission for the next pay run you send successfully will then update the YTD balance.
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