EOFY Submission 1 employees wages carried over from previous year
I have correct 2021/2022 figures for all my employees ready to submit to ATO except for 1 employee
The 2021/2022 EOFY reports gross wages for that employee to include the total gross paid for the previous 2020/2021 financial year.
I submitted the EOFY to the ATO in 2020/2021 and it appears that the employee in question has been dropped off the report
How do I delete the employee's 2020/2021 gross wages from my 2021/2022 EOFY submission?
@ssa one explanation of having 2020/21 gross wages appear in 2021/22 EOFY is that these figures have been entered in the Initial YTD summary of employee for 2021/22.
You can check this under 2021/22 Pay Summary and scrolling across to Initial YTD summary tab.
It is possible to edit this tab to zero amounts if that is the case.
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Thanks swakhlu01. There are no YTD amounts in the 2021/2022 or 2020/2021 tabs.
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@ssa perhaps may have to let Community Support team investigate.
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I agree I think I need to escalate, how do I organise this please?
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