Home Inventory Backup only Showing Folders on Desktop - No C Drive or Cloud Visible

I have a copy of Reckon Essentials home Inventory I cannot seem to find a suitable backup location when I try to back it up. This has only just occurred as it has worked for years just fine. When i go to backup, all I can find and select are "folders" on my desk top. No longer is C drive or onedrive shown. it is opening fine from my C drive location. Any thoughts? I have a registered copy of Reckon Accounts 2022 and I have no issues with this product. I can open Home Inventory from within Reckon Accounts 2022. Cheers Mark


  • tommy86
    tommy86 Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 12 Moderator Moderator

    Hi Mark,

    Are you sure you are logged in as administrator? That could be the reason why these other locations are not visible.

    Can you please try the following?

    1. Backup first to a folder on your Windows Desktop that you are able to access.
    2. Make a copy of the resulting backed up file to your Microsoft One Drive

    This will give you separate backup copies, which is better than just one.

    Thank you

  • Mark Korol
    Mark Korol Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thanks for the response good questions Tommy86.

    1. im not logged in as a administrator so we can rule that out
    2. When I 1st noticed the issue i did save it on the desktop so i could back up to the cloud as you suggested 😁, great suggestion but i want to fix the issue. If you have any other thoughts i would love to hear it, again thanks for trying to help Cheers Mark
  • tommy86
    tommy86 Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 12 Moderator Moderator

    No problem. Can you shutdown the program and right click on it and run as administrator to see if these file locations appear? I know it was working before but normally when certain locations are not appearing it could be because you are not admin or logged in as a power user.

    Please let me know if running as admin works?

    Thank you

  • Mark Korol
    Mark Korol Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner


    Opened it as an administrator. No change, still only shows desktop file locations



  • Mark Korol
    Mark Korol Member Posts: 7 Reckoner Reckoner

    Does anybody else have a thought as to what the possible solution could be? I have set up a separate folder on my desktop with a path to my onedrive account which is a workaround but i would like to solve the issue?