Payroll Hours defaulting to 38 hours on first Item
For some reason 38 hours is being populated on the very first Payroll Item when entering/creating the payroll in Reckon.
I've checked with different Payroll Items and it doesn't matter what it is the first Payroll Item has a default of 38.00.
In the employee setup there is no where the hours are entered so is there a way to clear this from populating?
We pay our drivers cents per klm method and trip rates so having 38.00 populating is going to cause errors.
Thanks in advance.
There is a section in the employees employment info tab that says what the weekly hours are, not sure if that would determine this input
There is also a section under Edit, Preferences, payroll and employees, that says ‘copy earning details from previous……..’
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Hi Kris
Thanks for speedy response :)
I've cleared the Payroll Preferences to copy previous earnings and hours and that didn't change.
I also went into the Employment tab info to change the weekly hours to zero and it required an amount more than 0 be entered so I put in 1 and tried running the payroll again for that employee but it still shows 38.
Seems very strange.
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