Tax too low in the Phase 2

twinning Member Posts: 27 Reckoner Reckoner

Before switching to phase 2, a draft payrun was prepared and payslips were printed.

Why is the fortnightly tax in phase 2 a lot lower than what it should be?

Even if you try paycalculator websites, the draft payrun from Phase 1 matches what it should be.

Why is Phase 2 taxing the employees too low?

e.g. one employee earned $2,404.52 per fn, so correct tax should be $464.

In phase 2, the tax is only $316.


  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 355 Reckon Staff

    Morning @twinning

    Would be able to provide us with your email address (Account email address), along with the book name that have the incorrect tax calculations, for us to investigate for you?

    You can let me know by messaging me directly with the details. Thank you!

