reckon hosted shop to greyed out on purchase orders

Kylie_9685016 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

is there anyway to add multiple ship to addresses on purchase orders? at the moment it is greyed out and I'm having to manually change the address each time.


  • Acctd4
    Acctd4 Accredited Partner Posts: 3,820 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    Hi Kylie

    You should have the option here to select a Ship To recipient from any of your name Lists:

    It will then prefill the details in the Ship To box automatically, according to what you have entered in that recipient's record 😊

    Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB

    *** Reckon Accredited Partner (AP) Bookkeeper - specialising EXCLUSIVELY in Reckon Accounts / Hosted ! ***

    * Regd BAS Agent (No: 92314 015)* ICB-Certified Bookkeeper* Snr Seasonal Tax Consultant since 2003 *

    Accounted 4 Bookkeeping Services

    Ballajura, WA

    (NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)
  • Kylie_9685016
    Kylie_9685016 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Perfect! How did i not see that 😂 thank you so much.