adding new employees

gems Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

can anyone help with this ?

I manage to sort out the salary sacrifice issue that kept coming up but now I’ve got this one and been trying all day to sort this out as I need to do a pay run. Thank you


  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 221 Reckon Staff
    edited October 2023

    Hi @gems,

    Could you please ensure that you have a default Superannuation fund setup? Also ensure to check the inactive funds section and if the default fund is inactive enable it. If you previously renamed the default superfund and changed the fund product to the one your company uses, revert it to the default in the screenshot below and create a new fund that is used by your company.

    If you do not have a default Superannuation, please create one like this screenshot below and assign it to the employee:

    If the issue still persists, I'd be happy to request access to your book and see what is happening for you.

    Thank you and speak to you soon.



  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 266 Reckon Staff

    Morning @gems

    Regarding the issue that you have raised, please find the attached article for your reference - Payroll App: Superfund needs to be linked to Super Contact Error - Reckon Help and Support Centre

    Feel free to let us know for any concerns/issues. Thank you!

