Can't see a Reckon Payment is made for 7 days??

mattdk111 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

I had a client make a payment on an invoice using Reckon Payments. However, I could not see it in the Reckon Payments tab in my account.

I reached out to Reckon support, and they said that I wouldn't be able to see a payment was made for 7+ days.

Surely, this is not correct?

In all payments platforms you can see a payment was made pretty much straightaway, and then the payment is deposited a few days later.


  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 271 Reckon Staff

    Hi @mattdk111,

    Could you please give me a moment to investigate this issue for you and I will get back to you soon as possible.

    Thank you and speak soon.



  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 271 Reckon Staff

    Hi @mattdk111,

    I have just checked and Reckon payments does take up to 7+ days to appear, I'm not too sure on why the delay is that long and I am sorry for any inconviences this has caused you.

    Accept Online Payments | Invoicing | Reckon AU

    If you would like to provide additional feedback in regard to Reckon Payments, please feel free to reply to this thread or privately message me to voice your opinion and I will pass that information on for you.

    Thank you and have a lovely day.



  • mattdk111
    mattdk111 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hey Lucas,

    That is ridiculous, to be honest. Let's say a client makes a payment; I have no way of knowing. So it will look like they didn't pay, and when I follow up on the payment, they'll say, "I already made the payment", and I'll say, "Oh, thanks, I didn't know". It looks incredibly unprofessional and weird.

    In all other payment platforms, you get notified immediately when a customer pays.

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 271 Reckon Staff

    Hi @mattdk111,

    I have passed this post along to management and we will try our best to improve this in the future.

    I am sorry about the frustrations and inconvenience this is causing you and we do appreciate the feedback you have provided.

    Thank you and have a lovely day.



  • mattdk111
    mattdk111 Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hey Lucas, is it possible to embed another payment provider link, such as Stripe, into the invoice?

    Right now, Reckon Pay is not really a viable option due to its limited functionality.

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 271 Reckon Staff

    Hi @mattdk111,

    Unfortunately, at this time you cannot embed another payment provider link into the invoice.

    I do understand this may be an inconvenience for you and would recommend that you make a suggestion on our

    Thank you.

