Hello Team,
One of employee's statutory super added an extra cent to one of his weekly pays.
There were five pay weeks in January and one of the weeks added an extra cent.
Why would this have happened? I looked at his pay details and apart from overtime, the other details were normal. The overtime wouldn't have affected his pay as the super is not payable on overtime.
I don't want to have to check each pay run that the super is calculating correctly for each employee. I also know it's not a big amount $0.01 but the issue is it shouldn't be doing this. I had the same problem last year with tax adding on an extra cent with one of our employees.
I never had these problems with the old Payroll Premier app.
Thank you.
Hi @JEN,
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
When did this first occur, and have you made any recent changes to your pay runs? If you could provide a screenshot of the pay-run with the employee details and what they are being paid, it would help replicate on our end. Thank you and speak soon.
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Hi Lucas,
I will send you DM with the details.
Thank you.
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