✅ RESOLVED: Remote Desktop Licence Error - Reckon Accounts Hosted (16 March)

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
edited March 20 in Accounts Hosted

Good morning everyone,

Just a heads up that we're currently investigating an error message appearing in Reckon Accounts Hosted which refers to a remote desktop licence issue. Screenshot example of the error message above.

Our initial investigations suggest this only affects one server so there will only be a minimal chance of this error appearing however our teams are currently investigating and will be working toward a resolution ASAP.

Sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may cause. Further updates will be posted below as soon as possible.


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  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi everyone,

    Work on addressing this issue is continuing and we're testing out a potential fix.

    Thanks so much for your patience everyone. More info to follow.

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  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi again everyone,

    The team have rolled out a fix and this issue should now be resolved.

    We are continuing to monitor the service over the course of the weekend.

    If you run into this message, please log off your active session(s) in the Reckon Accounts Hosted control panel and then logout for 2-3 minutes before logging back in.

    Let us know if you run into any trouble and thank you all for your patience as we worked through this.

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  • iangun
    iangun Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav,

    I saw the message yesterday, the message no longer comes up but i seem to be getting logged out after a while without using...i attempted to do a backup last night which takes about 6 or 7 hours...and after a few hours when i came back to the computer the backup had been logged out. If i do invoices and come back later then i need to login again...a bit annoying previously when i am doing random work on weekends keep getting logged out..obviously the backup issue is more of a problem for me and maybe others with large files.

    Is there a timer that is now in place that will kick you out if not used. If so can this be adjusted or removed.



  • LisaA_10863555
    LisaA_10863555 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav

    Letting you know it's still happening. Logging out and staying out for 3 mins helps, but really annoying, especially when trying to do a pay run :)

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited March 17

    Hey @LisaA_10863555

    Thanks for the callout on this. Does it continue to occur/repeat even after you log out for 3 minutes this morning?

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  • LisaA_10863555
    LisaA_10863555 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav. It's only happened once so far (loggedf in at 7am, happened around 9:45am), so I'll keep you updated.

  • Kathryn_8729731
    Kathryn_8729731 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    We have had the same issue happen this morning with one of our users. Logged in around 8.30am and got the message and was logged out around 10am.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Kathryn_8729731

    Did the message reappear for this particular user after they logged back in after 10am?

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  • Kathryn_8729731
    Kathryn_8729731 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    At the moment they have logged back in ok with no message appearing after following the guidelines above.

    Will keep you updated how it fairs throughout the day.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited March 18

    Hi folks

    Just a quick update, it looks as though we experienced a recurrence of the above error message reappearing for some users earlier this morning.

    The team have been keeping a pretty close eye on the service this morning and we're confident we've got things back on track but please do sing out if you notice the error message appear when you login to Hosted.

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  • Khagan
    Khagan Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav,

    We have had the same issue happen this morning with one of our users. Logged in around 7.30am and got the message and was logged out around 11am.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Khagan

    Just checking, did this particular user also run into the error message again after re-logging in again at 11?

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  • LisaA_10863555
    LisaA_10863555 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav. Just had a second user on our company file run into the same issue. I'm still going good though. No error message again since this morning.

  • Lynneh
    Lynneh Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited March 18


    A user received the Remote Desktop License issue message at 11.20 am


  • TPWElliot
    TPWElliot Member Posts: 5 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav,

    Thought I'd let you know we just received this error @11:31 and it was the first time I've come across the issue

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks so much for your reports @LisaA_10863555, @Lynneh @TPWElliot

    Can I please ask a favour, can you please send me a private message with the following details -

    • The specific UserID of the user that just encountered the error message
    • Full file name of the company file open when the error appeared

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  • Vanessa Loudon
    Vanessa Loudon Member Posts: 10 Reckoner Reckoner

    This morning (Monday 18/3/2024), my login has been affected by this Remote Licencing Error interruption.

    The system kicked me out and I logged back in only to be kicked back off an hour later.

    My login is the only one of 5 x affected at my workplace.

  • Vanessa Loudon
    Vanessa Loudon Member Posts: 10 Reckoner Reckoner

    UPDATE: we now have a second computer login - our main service point of sale account - is also being affected by this interruption this morning.

  • Rachael Hodgen
    Rachael Hodgen Member Posts: 3 Reckoner Reckoner

    My Login affected twice this morning - kicked off both times an hour apart

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Rachael Hodgen

    Can you please send me a private message with the following details -

    • UserID of your login that experienced this
    • Full company file name
    • Approx time the first error message appeared and the time you were disconnected
    • Approx time the second error message appeared and the time you were disconnected
    • Did you receive the error message in the opening post or only the ones you've attached above?

    @Vanessa Loudon

    For you can I grab the below details in a private message -

    • UserID of your two users that encountered the error
    • Full company file name
    • Approx time the first error message appeared and the time you were disconnected
    • Approx time the second user encountered the error message and the time they were disconnected

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  • Kerrie_10100571
    Kerrie_10100571 Member Posts: 4 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    I have been disconnected twice this morning with licencing error

  • Kathryn_8729731
    Kathryn_8729731 Member Posts: 14 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav

    A second user has now been disconnected for us as well. Also noting that when trying to log back in we are getting error messages saying that the username and password is not valid.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Kathryn_8729731

    Can I please get you to shoot me a private message with the following details 👇

    • UserID of your two users that encountered the error
    • Full company file name
    • Approx time the first error message appeared and the time you were disconnected
    • Approx time the second user encountered the error message and the time they were disconnected

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  • Mark4776
    Mark4776 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    Happening to multiple users at our company today.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    ℹ️ UPDATE - Issue under investigation

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks so much for your reports in regard to this error appearing when you're in Reckon Accounts Hosted. Its evident we're not out of the woods with this and our teams are back into investigating.

    Massive thank you to our awesome members who have provided specific details of this, its been a huge help. With that said, I do apologise for the hassle and trouble this has caused so far today, its certainly not ideal for you to contend with on a Monday and we're working as we speak to try and nail down the cause of this.

    I'll keep this post updated with more info as soon as I have it.

    🎉 Get rewarded for contributing to the Reckon Community! Learn how you could get a $100 gift voucher each month HERE.

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    Yep - this issue is happening with our team members too.. look forward to a resolve on this one. please provide updates.

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    As PAYROLL PROCESSING CANT BE SAVED MID WAY.. please advise URGENTLY that this issue will not effect our payroll this coming Wednesday 20th March???

  • 5thwheeln
    5thwheeln Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited March 18

    All users affected on company file

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Trish as mentioned above our teams are currently investigating the cause behind this error message appearing and some sessions being disconnected unexpectedly. This is happening as we speak.

    I don't have an ETA that I can provide at this stage since the work on this is still currently in-progress however as soon as I do have more info and/or details on the issue I'll post an update here.

    Hi @5thwheeln

    Can I please grab some details from you on this. Can you please shoot me a private message with the following info 🙏

    • UserID of all your users that encountered the error
    • Full company file name
    • Approx time the error message appeared for each user and the time each was disconnected
    • Did the blue error message appear first prior to disconnection OR were you disconnected without warning

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  • JO-ANNE_7327707
    JO-ANNE_7327707 Member Posts: 313 Reckoner Reckoner

    I have been logged out 5 times this morning with no warning. I have just received these two warning messages, the blue one first, then without warning the second one and the software shut down.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @JO-ANNE_7327707

    Did that same pattern occur on each of those 5 occasions? ie. the blue error message appears first and then a couple of minutes later you're disconnected with the second message appearing on-screen each time?

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  • JO-ANNE_7327707
    JO-ANNE_7327707 Member Posts: 313 Reckoner Reckoner

    RAV, no just this last time. The first 4 times, the connection was lost and it shut down without warning. I did raise a query this morning with what happened.

  • Kat001
    Kat001 Member Posts: 17 Reckoner Reckoner

    Good Afternoon

    I keep getting logged out and getting the same message as Joanne each time.

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thankyou @Rav - but i need to understand that this issue will not affect payroll for our 450 employees on Wednesday - this process takes well above 1 hour & i can't have my payroll officer being kicked out & losing work.. we need to pay our employees on time. Look forward to Reckons resolve on this important issue.

  • JO-ANNE_7327707
    JO-ANNE_7327707 Member Posts: 313 Reckoner Reckoner

    Just a further comment on this, when I first logged in this morning, the appearance of the software was different. I found the whole appearance to be a very washed out grey colour. I also noticed, the entity name appears in the top left corner above the tabs. I haven't noticed this before today.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    ℹ️ UPDATE

    Hi everyone,

    We're continuing to work on establishing the cause behind this issue occurring for some of our Hosted users. Thank you again to everyone who has provided info around this error so far. Addressing the cause of this problem is our top priority at the moment and my apologies again for the frustration that its caused today.

    I'll keep this post updated with more info as soon as its available.

    🎉 Get rewarded for contributing to the Reckon Community! Learn how you could get a $100 gift voucher each month HERE.

  • JO-ANNE_7327707
    JO-ANNE_7327707 Member Posts: 313 Reckoner Reckoner

    And Again at 2.33pm Darwin time.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    ℹ️ UPDATE

    Morning everyone

    Just a heads up that we're continuing to work on addressing this issue.

    In the interim, our teams have made a number of changes which should help toward minimising any impact of this error to our Hosted users.

    This is the top priority for our product and dev teams at the moment and we believe we're getting closer toward a full resolution. Thank you again for your patience, we truly appreciate it and we apologise for the trouble this has caused so far.

    Further info/updates to follow.

    🎉 Get rewarded for contributing to the Reckon Community! Learn how you could get a $100 gift voucher each month HERE.

  • John McGrath
    John McGrath Member Posts: 20 Reckoner Reckoner

    Just got this notice.

    Is the server timer a newly established "feature" on the server? if so, please disable it, or allow users to control.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,167 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager


    Hi everyone,

    The issue with the blue remote desktop licence error message appearing for some users in Reckon Accounts Hosted is resolved.

    Our teams are continuing to monitor the service to ensure there is no recurrence of the error and also keeping a close eye on overall performance.

    Separately, I've put together some information on sessions in Hosted which I'd recommend checking out - How do sessions work in Reckon Accounts Hosted? 💻

    I'll close this particular post shortly as it's specific to the remote licence error message however if you run into any issues or have any questions please sing out by creating a new post HERE.

    Last but certainly not least, thank you all so much for your reports, information, examples and patience, it's truly been appreciated by the entire team.

    🎉 Get rewarded for contributing to the Reckon Community! Learn how you could get a $100 gift voucher each month HERE.

This discussion has been closed.